About Us
To reinvent the Process Excellence Management and Quality Improvement consulting and Training in Africa with regards to the use/application of Lean and Six Sigma Tools. Identifying and providing tomorrows solutions to today‘s ever demanding needs of corporate organization.
To become the undisputed market leader in Africa in the delivery of services and solutions to corporate organizations operating as a one stop shop that offers all elements of Quality Management, Operational Processes and Strategy Implementation needs using Lean / Six Sigma Methodology from consulting to Training to project execution.
Lean Sigma 360 is a wholly owned Nigerian company with offices in Lagos, and conducting businesses in most West African countries. At lean sigma 360, we understand that every value creation is process driven; and business processes rest at the center of all organizations and define the activities that must occur in order for the organization to produce results. Therefore; We are a business Process Improvement and Continuous Process Improvement Company.
We are in the business of assisting our clients to improve/optimize their business processes with proprietary tools that enables them deliver better products/services to their customers Faster and Cheaper.
We offer quality services that enable corporate organizations support their brand values and value propositions. To understand these needs we see through the eyes of the customer, focusing on products and solutions that will increase customer loyalty, increase revenue and most importantly enhance customer satisfaction.
Lean Sigma 360 will come to be recognized as Business Physicians equipped with specially designed and continually upgraded proprietary tools, ensuring precision-delivery of the brand essence.